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Museums, display objects
How To Spend Vacations

Guests are waiting for a fascinating journey into the world of magical Russian fairy tales.

The excursion for children takes place in the form of an interesting exciting quest based on Russian fairy tales, where participants will follow in the footsteps of heroes, learn about the roots of a fairy tale, meet fairy-tale heroes and touch objects of ancient life and weapons.

Visit by appointment!

How To Spend Vacations

Museum "Grandma Doli" - spinning, weaving, embroidering. The museum is dedicated to a simple woman who sometimes lived a very difficult life, at the same time creating unusually beautiful things - towels, shirts, festive costumes, decorated with woven and embroidered patterns.

A rich collection of costumes, antique spinning wheels, household items and household items provides an opportunity to deeply immerse yourself in the world of our ancestors, in which a special role was assigned to a woman, a mistress, a handyman of all trades. The things and objects that make up the exposition are authentic and unique. It is in this museum that you will learn the secret of the underlying reason for shirts, the secrets of the patterns of spinning wheels, and also what role needlework played in matchmaking. What does the word "gatherings" really mean and how the bride was dressed "down the aisle".

Visit by appointment!

How To Spend Vacations

The Svyatogor Center for Russian Military Culture operates in the Kolomna Kremlin, a laureate of many military-historical festivals, a winner and prize-winner of sports competitions and cultural competitions.

The center has created an exposition of ancient Russian weapons and military equipment, there are children's sections of historical fencing, archery, folk wrestling, historical reconstruction of armor and weapons.

Participants of the Center hold demonstration performances and shows of warriors, tours of the walls and towers of the Kremlin. Guests at the gates to the fortress are met by combatants in full military attire, Russian beauties present bread and salt, offer to taste a honey drink and are invited to the Faceted Tower, decorated with banners, ceremonial weapons. Here everyone can hold a sword in their hand, try on chain mail, shoot an arrow from a tight bow and an old crossbow at a target, and then, together with a group, watch hand-to-hand fights, fights, stories of folk epics and legends!

Visit by appointment!

How To Spend Vacations

The Museum-Laboratory "Silk Factory" is a modern space in the historical building of the former Silk Factory of the merchants Babaevs, which occupied an entire city block along Umanskaya Street. The now recreated factory now houses a co-working space, a museum and an exhibition hall, tours and weaving workshops. And the creative atmosphere of the factory attracts the same talented people Every weekend in the workshop of the Silk Factory, master classes in weaving come!

Anyone can sign up for MK and independently weave a bracelet or a whole picture on a manual machine.

The master class takes place in a friendly atmosphere. We will provide you with all the materials from threads to loom and will definitely help you.
Adults and children, boys and girls can cope with weaving!

The Silk Factory is a modern space, which is located in the historical building of the former Silk Factory of the merchants Babaevs. Previously, it occupied an entire city block along Umanskaya Street.

How To Spend Vacations


How To Spend Vacations

«Школа имени В.Д. Шервинского» размещается в старинном здании, построенном в 1911 году как Черкизовское земское начальное училище по проекту архитектора Евгения Васильевича Шервинского. До 1986 года в нем функционировала сельская школа, затем станция юных натуралистов и воскресная школа. С 2000 года здесь расположился Черкизовский сельский клуб. Формирование первых музейных экспозиций в Центре досуга и культуры, открытого в школе Шервинских, началось в 2002 году.

В настоящее время в центре действуют 3 постоянных музейных экспозиции и 2 выставочных зала, в котором организуются  выставки живописи, фотографии и декоративно-прикладного творчества. В стенах Школы Шервинского проходят событийные интерактивные программы для взрослых и детей, спектакли, концерты, литературные и музыкальные вечера, мастер-классы. В дни летних школьных каникул работает летняя детская игровая площадка. В теплое время года организуются пешие экскурсии «По Ахматовской тропе», в ходе которых туристы получают возможность побывать в исторических местах села Черкизово и познакомиться с интересными фактами из его истории.

Система Orphus