Museum "Grandma Doli" - spinning, weaving, embroidering. The museum is dedicated to a simple woman who sometimes lived a very difficult life, at the same time creating unusually beautiful things - towels, shirts, festive costumes, decorated with woven and embroidered patterns.
A rich collection of costumes, antique spinning wheels, household items and household items provides an opportunity to deeply immerse yourself in the world of our ancestors, in which a special role was assigned to a woman, a mistress, a handyman of all trades. The things and objects that make up the exposition are authentic and unique. It is in this museum that you will learn the secret of the underlying reason for shirts, the secrets of the patterns of spinning wheels, and also what role needlework played in matchmaking. What does the word "gatherings" really mean and how the bride was dressed "down the aisle".
Visit by appointment!