Park of Culture and Leisure "Dubki"

  • Парк культуры и отдыха «Дубки»

The park of culture and recreation "Dubki" was built in the city of Ozyory in 2016 in a picturesque forest belt near the stadium. A. Grinin and the Ice Palace "Arena of Legends". This recreation area was created thanks to the participation of the Ozyory city district in the governor's program "Parks of the Moscow Region".

On an area of about 6 hectares there are sports and gaming facilities, small architectural forms, a ski-roller track and other facilities. The park quickly became a favorite vacation spot for the lake dwellers. Children and teenagers have mastered children's playgrounds and sports grounds. Adults spend time in the park near the Wishing Stone. And of course, everyone liked the symbol of the park - the Deer.

Due to the fact that the Dubki park was included in the governor's improvement program, landscaping work took place in 2018. The most striking element of the renovated park was the new entrance group, consisting of the word "Lakes", where the capital letter "O" functions as an entrance arch. In addition, a stage was built, which is intended for holding cultural events. Guests also like the "living labyrinth" around the "Wishing Stone", arranged from plantings of perennial shrubs.

Today, Dubki Park is a modern recreation area within the city, which attracts many citizens and our guests of all ages. Not only thematic events and game programs are held here, but also big holidays.

Address: Ozery, st. Parkovaya, 2v
Система Orphus