Museum of housing and communal services development

The unusual museum is located on the banks of the Kolomenka River next to the Marinka Tower of the Kolomna Kremlin in a building built in 1902 - a former reservoir for drinking water. At the beginning of the 20th century, water was supplied to it from two artesian wells 120 meters deep, drilled near this place in 1897.

Here you can trace the entire path of the origin of the urban economy of the city. On the lower tier - the history of the Kolomna water supply, gas facilities, landscaping - from the 19th century to the Great Patriotic War. On the second floor - a panorama of the city of the beginning of the last century. The exposition of the upper tier tells about today's day of the municipal enterprises of housing and communal services of Kolomna. Their achievements and history of development, photographs of business leaders and leaders. There is even a model of an operating power plant that supplies light to a small wooden house.

Visit by appointment!


Phone: 8(496)612-56-19,

Address: Kolomna, st. Isaeva, 19
Система Orphus