Kolomna Patephone Museum

  • Коломенский патефон
  • Коломенский патефон
  • Коломенский патефон
  • Коломенский патефон
  • Коломенский патефон

Museum "Kolomna gramophone" began its activities on May 1, 2017, this date was not chosen by chance, because it was May 1, 1934 in the mechanical repair and tool shops of the portable gramophone plant completed the first ten Kolomna gramophones.

Thanks to our museum, you can go all the way through the development of the music industry, as well as:

- listen to unique recordings from various media;

- find an answer to the question of how a gramophone differs from a gramophone;

- see unique models of portable gramophones;

- learn the history of the Kolomna gramophone, which is famous all over the world.

The collection of the museum contains a large number of exhibits:

- kolomna gramophones;

- music boxes on metal disks;

- Edison phonographs;

- Pathet brothers' gramophones;

- various models of gramophones, etc.


Phone: +7 (919) 990-80-76,

E-mail: kolomnapatefon@yandex.ru

Site: https://www.коломенскийпатефон.рф
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