"Kolomenskaya Yagoda" Farm

  • Kolomna Berry
  • Kolomna Berry

There are several varieties of garden strawberries, as well as raspberries, blackberries, black and cauliflower currants, gooseberries. In addition to berry plantations, there are two orchards with apples, pears, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, cherry plums, spruces, oaks and chestnuts.

The company is developing agritourism. When you come to visit, you can sit in the gazebo and eat, and do not think, not only berries and fruits! The red food truck is certainly ready to feed guests with pies and tea.

And on Zhitnaya Square, next to the Kolomna Kremlin, you can buy berries or farmer's jam every day


Phone: +7(985)775-74-77,

Address: Kolomensky urban district, Myachkovo village 81 km from Moscow


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